Thursday, December 31, 2009



Broken English!

Using proper English is the only way!

For example ( I apologize for anybody who might get offended by this, hahah! )

"oh yaa..
ofcurs i rmembr dat..
em hurm bliok c sy blok b that ar reason y we not always meet.. how u feel aftr 1 sem finish? eh wt course ar u?"

Urgh. I just couldnt stand broken english! Malays! Duhai Melayu! If you couldnt use English properly, simply dont use it from the beginning!

It's that simple!


Saturday, December 26, 2009

Malam pasangannya siang,
Jaga pasangannya tidur,
Rajin pasangannya malas,
Dan lelaki pasangannya perempuan.

Kerana perempuan adalah
pasangan kepada lelaki,
maka Allah telah menciptakan bentuk badan wanita
itu dapat memikat hati lelaki.
Bila berkata tentang terpikat,
maka ia ada hubung kait dengan nafsu.
Jika ia ada hubungkait dengan nafsu,
ianya ada hubungan pula dengan bisikan syaitan.

Jadi untuk mengawal nafsu, mestilah dikawal
dengan iman.
Untuk mendapatkan iman mesti menurut perintah
Allah dan RasulNya dan menjauhi

Pada mata lelaki, perempuan ini adalah simbol.
Simbol apa, semua orang tahu.
Orang lelaki mempunyai imaginasi yang nakal jika
tidak dikawal dengan iman.
Maka mata lelaki ini selalu menjalar
apabila terlihat seorang perempuan.

Setiap bentuk badan seorang
perempuan boleh dihayati oleh seorang lelaki
dengan berbagai-bagai tafsiran nakal nafsu.
Apabila seorang lelaki terlihat seorang
perempuan, maka perkara pertama yang akan
dilihatnya ialah
rambut wanita berkenaan.

Maka akan ditafsirlah berbagai2 cara oleh
seorang lelaki akan rambut wanita berkenaan.
Oleh kerana itulah wanita wajib menutup

Apabila rambut wanita itu telah ditutup, maka
mata lelaki itu akan turun ke bawah melihat
bentuk lehernya,
maka wajiblah wanita itu menutup lehernya.
Maka mata lelaki itu akan turun lagi
melihat bentuk payu daranya,
maka wanita itu berkewajipanlah menutup bentuk
payu daranya dengan melabuhkan tudungnya.

Setelah itu mata lelaki akan
turun lagi melihat
bentuk ramping pinggangnya,
maka labuhkanlah pakaian supaya tidak ternampak
bentuk pinggangnya,
maka mata lelaki itu akan melihat pula akan
bentuk punggungnya,
maka wajiblah wanita itu membesarkan pakaiannya
agar bentuk punggung tidak kelihatan, dan
lelaki itu akan pula melihat
bentuk pehanya,
maka janganlah sesekali wanita itu memakai kain
yang agak ketat sehingga terlihat bentuk
pehanya walau sedikit,
maka akan dilihat lagi oleh lelaki itu akan
bentuk kakinya pula,
maka janganlah wanita itu berseluar, kerana
terus-terang pihak lelaki bercakap, walau
muslimah itu bertudung labuh, berbaju labuh,
jika beliau memakai seluar,walau nampak besar
sedikit, nafsu kami lelaki akan terusik secara
sepontan, entah tak tahu Kenapa?

Mata lelaki ini nakal, setelah tidak ternampak
akan bentuk kakinya,
maka akan dilihatlah pula akan mata lelaki itu
maka wajiblah wanita itu untuk menolong lelaki
itu tidak berdosa, menutup kakinya dengan
melabuhkan kain, atau memakai stokinyg warnanya
jangan sesekali berwarna kulit perempuan,
maka mata lelaki ini akan kembali ke atas,
akan melihat pula
bentuk tangan wanita itu,
maka tolonglah wahai muslimah, agar melabuhkan
tudung menutupi bentuk tangannya yang indah pada pandangan lelaki.

Maka wahai lelaki,
janganlah pula kamu melihat mukanya,
kerana ia akan menimbulkan fitnah, kecuali jika
kamu wahai lelaki, ingin meminangnya.
Jika wanita itu cukup soleh, takut mukanya yang
cantik akan menimbulkan fitnah,
maka berpurdahlah kamu,
jika itu lebih baik untuk kamu.

Tetapi mata lelaki ini ada satu lagi jenis
penyakit,iaitu mata
lelaki itu akan tertangkap dengan sepontan jika
ia terlihat
warna yang menyerlah atau terang
jika ianya berada pada perempuan.
Maka oleh itu wahai perempuan, tolonglah jangan
memakai pakaian yang warnanya terang-terangan

Jika hendak pakai pun, pakailah untuk suami.
Itulah wahai muslimah, jika anda semua ingin tahu
apakah dia mata lelaki itu, dan perlu
diingatkan, jika semua aurat telah ditutup,
jangan anggap tugas kita telah selesai, perlulah
pula kita menjaga kehormatan diri masing2,
jangan keluar seorang2,keluarlah dengan
mahram, atau keluarlah sekurang2nya 3 wanita agar
tidak diganggu gangguan luar, mata lelaki pula
janganlah menjalar langsung kepada muslimah,
walau muslimah itu telah menutup aurat,
insyaAllah selamat dunia akhirat.

Seperti firman Allah,"Dan tundukkanlah pandanganmu
dan jagalah kemaluanmu".

Dunia sekarang telah banyak yang cacat celanya,
sehingga ketaraf seseorang yang memakai tudung
masih beliau tidak menutup aurat, dan pada kaum
lelaki, mata kamu itu wajib untuk tidak
mencuri2 melihat wanita muslimah, kerana ia
dilarangi oleh Allah SWT.
Ingat-ingatkanlah wahai muslimin muslimat.

Sekilau-kilau berlian paling menarik untuk dicuri..
Seindah-indah ciptaan adalah yang paling sukar untuk dijaga...

I seriously need to post something. . . .

Okay salam and hi to you first of all. I actually dont know what exactly to write onto this post. But umm..yeah seriously,no clue at all. But, I just wanted to point out this, that I am currently busy finishing my studio course that's site inventory which has to be passed up next Monday! OMG.
Ive been through lot of things these days. And I dont know, those things have made me clear on how think about life rightly.But yeah, right now it's Christmas Holidays and


as for me, I am here alone in this room. in C-4-33. A lot of things in my mind now. But, they're not all mind-destructing at all! Thank God! All I am worry is about the course. other than that, I dont think I have any.

But, seriously I need to post something. I miss the time when I always have the ideas to post and some people will like 'em. But now. Urgh. All has been boring already .

After all, we're just humans. And a human with a religion called Islam. I and we have to do something to make life more meaningful.

I dont know, internet connection's currently being lame in KSJ( my campus ) And I cant get online at most time. And right now! Ive got the chance to be online.hehe and I am not gonna waste it. Thank God! What my thought about all these is that maybe the people are at homes now thus making the connection goes really fast! I dont know. thats just my thought. Not logic at all or is it? eheh

But yeahhhhhhhh. urgh sorry many but this but that. HAHAH! but seriously I dont have any clue of what to post in the mean time.

So I guess I better off to do my Maghrib Prayer. hahah and yeah thanks to me for wasting minutes of your lifetime by reading this. hahah Sorry thousands of it. Anyway, thanks for spending time on checking out and been reading my blog all these while! Love you very much! :D

Take care and May Peace be upon you! * gonna get 'real ideas' be typed in the future posts *


Saturday, December 19, 2009


one word.


you better go catch the movie now in cinemas nearby! :D

The effects and all. PEHH WA CAKAP SAMA LU! Worth the tickets MANNN!!! heheh :)

The storyline is thrilling, romantic, fun, sad all blend together! :D

But, why the Na'Vi look abit like African ? I wonder.

Same goes to 2012 the movie that I watched with my siblings. At the end of the film, the africa continent is located at the highest peak of the world after the BIG FLOOD.

Same with AVATAR..the Na'Vi acted like aboriginal same like African..and they're protecting their land from know just like what is happening to Africa right now..

Why is that the movies that I watch has some kind of messege towards upgrading and being nice to Africa.?

Is it a coincidence or what?

here's the link to AVATAR IMDB.COM :)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Kids..and arts! :)

Salam and hi to all :)

Started on Monday 7th Dicember 2009. I have got the chance to teach children how to draw and doing some arts! YAY! I love kids actually heheh

it's my Ummi a.k.a Mother's friend's children. Actually I am not very good at teaching arts. huhuhu But I gave it a go :) And thankfully it went well. The days started from Monday till Thursday went peacefully :).

Different kids different attitudes that's what I have learnt from these kids. And yes children is very pure whatever we teach them that's what they're gonna bring till they grow up.
And I hope by teaching what I understand about arts will give them benefits in the future .

Here are some of the photos we took during our last day of learning arts together :D

My little sister, Aqilah with the siblings and their cousin from Malacca at the back :)

The youngest one. Nur Muhammad, isnt he just adorable? he was like destroying his brothers and sister's drawings all

Me and the budak-budak. Nakal. hahah :D

Conclusion is, I can be a better tutor next time in the future hehe I could improve I'd say.

Kids and innocence is just amazing.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Kisah Anjing di Padang Pasir.

Kisah Anjing di Padang Pasir.
Body: Kisah Anjing di Padang Pasir.

Ada seorang kaya mempunyai seekor anjing yang cantik dimana beliau cuba nak meletakkan anjing itu di padang pasir selama seminggu. Sebelum itu beliau telah merujuk masalahnya kepada seorang doctor haiwan dimana doctor haiwan itu mengatakan tiada masalah dengan syarat perlu dibekalkan makanan dan minuman. Bila doktor itu kata begitu, Orang kaya itu pun setujulah. Hari pertama orang kaya itu pergi tengok anjingnya dan didapati semuanya ok.Hari Kedua pulak,sama saja yaitu ok. Hari Ketiga didapati anjing itu sudah mati. Maka orang kaya itu sangatlah marah kerana doktor haiwan itu yang kata semuanya ok tapi hari ketiga anjing itu sudah mati. Orang kaya itu pun membawa anjing itu jumpa semula dengan doktor haiwan. Doktor haiwan itu memgatakan sabar dulu kerana saya perlu membuat pembedahan terlebih dulu untuk mengetahui punca kematiannya. Setelah tunggu 2 jam maka doktor itu pun keluar dan menceritakan punca kematiannya dengan kata :………….”Tuan, anjing kamu mati disebabkan ia tidak kencing”………..Terkejutlah orang kaya lalu ia sambung pertanyaannya kepada doktor haiwan itu kenapa ia tidak kencing…………..Doktor itu menjawab………..Di Padang Pasir manalah ada tiangnya sebab anjing kencing mesti mahu cari tiang…….Orang kaya itu diam dan tidak tahu nak cakap apa lagi.

Cerita ini memberikan pengajaran kepada kita yaitu sekiranya anjing itu paksa dirinya kencing walaupun tak ada tiang maka sudah tentu ia tidak akan mati. Sebab itulah samada kita suka atau tak suka, kita mesti paksakan diri kita shalat 5 waktu walaupun hatinya tak ikhlas. Kalau kita tidak buat begitu nanti kita akan mati seperti anjing di padang pasir itu. Sekian dan Terima Kasih.

Ada pulak orang lain tanya saya....kenapa anjing kencing mesti angkat sebelah kaki? Jawapannya iaitu anjing itu takut tiang itu tumbang dan kena pada dia. Sebab itulah ia angkat sebelah kaki tahankan dulu......He he he.....Kalau nak tahu lebih jelas maka tanyalah anjing itu.....

petikan dari:

Monday, December 7, 2009

Tanda- Tanda Dunia Sampai Masanya. . .

Hadith Alamat Kiamat

Ali bin Abi Thalib r.a, meriwayatkan daripada Rasulullah SAW bahawa beliau bersabda; “Apabila umat ku telah membuat lima belas perkara, maka bala pasti akan turun kepada mereka, iaitu:
1.Apabila (Maghnam) harta milik umum atau negara hanya berkisar di kalangan elit tertentu
2. Apabila (aset) amanah dijadikan sebagai habuan diri (ghanimah)
3. Zakat dianggap sebagai beban hutang
4. (Kehendak) suami dikuasai oleh kehendak isteri
5. Anak menderhakai ibunya
6. Tapi ia berbaik-baik (patuh) dengan (kehendak) kawannya
7. Ayahnya (pula) disingkir jauh
8. Rioh rendah dan kecoh di dalam masjid
9. Yang menjadi ketua sesuatu bangsa adalah orang yang fasiq (jahat dan derhaka kepada Allah)
10. Seseorang dimuliakan kerana hendak menghindari kejahatannya
11. Arak menjadi minuman lumrah
12. Sutera menjadi pakaian (golongan lelaki)
13. Golongan artis (biduan) disanjung-sanjung
14. Manakala muzik menjadi budaya pujaan
15. Generasi akhir umat ini melaknat (menyalahkan) generasi pertama (sahabat dan Ulama Leluhur)

Maka pada ketika itu hendaklah mereka menanti angin merah (radioaktif dan gas beracun) atau gempa bumi, tanah jerlus, manusia bertukar sifat (menjadi binatang) ..Dalam hadith riwayat Abu Hurairah mengenai hal ini terdapat tambahan seperti berikut..."dan (Qazafan) tembakan, lontaran (bom?)serta tanda-tanda lain yang datang secara berturut-turut bagaikan butir manik yang terputus benangnya dan jatuh bertubi-tubi satu lepas satu”.
(Hadith riwayat Tirmizi)

Penerangan Hadis:
Hadith ini menjelaskan beberapa pertanda buruk dalam bidang politik, ekonomi, sosial, budaya dan psikologi yang melanda umat dan bangsa yang akan runtuh dan musnah. Bangsa tersebut tidak lagi bersifat bertanggongjawab. Mereka tidak amanah, memandang hina saranan agama bahkan nama agamapun mereka anggap punca kejahatan.Zakat dianggap sebagai suatu beban yang menyusahkan. Belajar ilmu pengetahuan bukan untuk tujuan berkhidmat untuk agama (tambahan dalam Hadith riwayat Abu Hurairah) Mereka dikuasai oleh emosi dan nafsu.Hubungan sosial antara keluarga dan orang luar tidak lagi berdasarkan tatasusila yang normal. Masjid berubah menjadi tempat menyampaikan sesuatu yang tidak berkaitan dengan ajaran Islam. Kepimpinan mereka adalah kepimpinan yang jahat dan merosak. Mereka tidak ada lagi penghargaan terhadap para alim ulama. Baik Ulama Leluhur maupun ulama masa kini. Mereka bangga dengan majlis budaya yang menimbulkan keghairahan kepada artis genit dan muzik atau pesta-pesta lain yang bersifatlagha. Golongan ini memang diambang kemusnahan. Mereka akan dibala tuhan dengan berbagai bala bencana dan kemusnahan. Puncaknya adalah kiamat. Siapakah mereka yang sebenarnya? wallahu a'lam

Riwayat: Minhaj al-Salihin dan lain-lain

nampaknya tanda2 yg disebutkn dah pun muncul
adakh kita akan selamat?
tanya diri anda......


Sunday, December 6, 2009

Kanak-kanak, Manusia membaca mengira menulis menghafal melukis mewarna segala macam 'me'

Obeservation of a certatin creature. and draw it by their own observation.

I never draw on the child's paper. Learning to see is done by studying the thing, animal, or person being drawn - not by getting the teacher to correct the work. The student should own the whole process and product.

I never ask a child to copy a picture made by me, by another artist, or by a camera. I have them practice from actual objects or models. When children do copy work for fun on their own, I do not condemn them for this, but I do withhold compliments for copied work, and I withhold all encouragement related to copy work. I encourage them to practice from actual objects - never working from pictures.

1. belajar lakaran bebas.atau bertajuk.teknik lakaran objek atau haiwan.
tengok kecekapan atau ketelitian hasil. Pemerhatian diluar. melukis daun. teliti atau tidak. melukis objek2 diluar rumah atau dalam. Some of the best subject matter comes from everyday common experiences such as the food we eat, our homes, our toys, our families, the neat stuff we collect, our friends, our games, our work, our animals, our neighborhoods, a trip to a zoo, a trip to a farmyard, and so on. A half eaten snack is evidence of life around it.Drawings do more than represent what is seen. They imply what is happening in a child's life. Drawing is a diary. Taste, touch, sound, and smell are all great multi sensory motivational enhancements. Eat some. Draw what is left. Eat what you drew. Practice. Express. Grow. Be. Artists often combine observation, imagination, and invention. Children also learn some great thinking skills by working from imagination, from inventing, from designing, and so on. A three-year-old was drawing a picture of herself. . When she drew the other hand, she naturally counted and made five digits. This one simple question, asked in a neutral way, may have helped her transfer knowledge. She started to make a connection between counting and drawing. Perhaps now her drawings from imagination could help her develop greater awareness of numbers and math--making her more talented at both of these things easier latter in school because of the new neurons that began to grow in her brain.

2. belajar shading. arah cahaya dan bayang2.
bagi objek banyak222. suruh mereka buat bayang2 dan shading sendiri supaya benda menjadi 3D. Pemerhatian penting sangat2!nanti jadi automatik dan ini tidak bagus.I ask the child to find several levels of shaded tone on the thing being observed. I ask the student to identify the lightest places. We name these "highlights". The highlights are very lightly framed with a pencil line. These areas are generally left totally white. I ask the student to find the darkest places. In most cases the shadows at the base of objects. These become the darkest part of a shaded drawing. If you want to see ideas about shading, turn off the lights and set an egg or a grape on a piece of white paper on a table near a window (not in direct sunlight).

2.i.Gesture drawing. Gesture drawing is good for drawing people, animals, and objects that are active and in motion, or for content that is charged with emotional quality

3. tona warna.
penggunaan tona warna

4. mewarna. I avoid showing the work of other artists as an introduction to doing artwork. I feel it may lead them to feel their own work is not good enough to measure up. In my opinion, we do not need to encourage more imitation, but we do need to nourish the instincts of imagination, curiosity, and the natural instincts to search for truth.
I teach art history, museum visits, and so on after children have done similar work, or we do these activities completely independent of creative work. By studying the other artist's work as an independent activity or after doing the media work we do not diminish the importance of their own experience as being foremost as content for their own art.

5. Pengumpulan hasil seni
I suggest saving a child's drawings in a folder in order to keep a record.When children are very young, I simply invite them to tell me about their drawings. I feel that the story telling is very good practice for them. Even children who are only two and are simply scribbling are able to tell me a story about their drawings. I think this practice in verbal improvisation grows verbal neurons that help make them talented at reading, writing, and speaking.

6. Display and exhibition
The child might fear that it is too hard to always do as well as the one that was selected. I would be sensitive to this, but I also think it is encouraging when children see the work being displayed.



In my experience, most parents need to be more affirmative and less critical of their children's drawings. Correcting a child's drawing mistakes can easily stop their interest in drawing. Children who get affirmation often continue to practice much more on their own. In drawing, just as in most other aspects of discipline, education, and child rearing, we need to stop saying no (unless there is an immediate hazard). It has been found that parents that use a preponderance of prohibitions are more apt to have children who fail in school. They lack attention span because they gave up on trying to imagine good things to do. On the other hand, those with positive choice conditioning, seem to be better prepared to make healthy choices as teens.

Learning to draw is only a small part of growing up. There are many other important talents. In good parenting, I believe we need to change every negative behavior to a positive with choices. We need to provide awareness questions that suggest better alternatives from which children can learn to make their own good choices. When we say no or when we criticize, we discourage, we destroy motivation, we shorten the child's attention span, and we handicap their capacity for self-learning. Unless they are self-motivated, which happens most when they feel some assurance that they are doing well, brain neurons for abilities and talents will not develop.

In good parenting we try not to declare absolute answers, but we use open ended questions to encourage good ideas. We offer positive alternatives and options. Children are encouraged to choose from between positive alternatives. Instead of being discouraged by prohibitions, kids grow up enjoying wholesome participatory creative play alone and with friends, they make things, they play games, they participate in sports, they engage in music, they invent recipes, and they spend lots of time in art activities becoming talented way beyond their parents.

I know this works because it happened in our home. It happened by chance because our kids had a mother who had an amazing parenting instinct. She never said, "Stop it!" She did not say, "No!" unless they were in immediate danger. Whenever the kids were behaving badly she coached them with interesting and enjoyable ideas and asked them to select better positive alternatives. Some were suggested by her, but they also learned how to invent good activities on their own. They became better players. They became conditioned to imagine and self-initiate positive choices as a part of their personalities. One chose writing and the others chose science. They use their talents well as they search and express the truths they find. They have the ability to imagine ways to do things better--making the world a better place for all.

Elizabeth Layton began to develop her drawing talent when she was 68 year old.

Karangan yang sangat bagus bukan?

aku saje je nak kongsi dengan korang semua~ :D

Malaysia's Legoland theme park to open in 2012

KUALA LUMPUR (AFP) - – A Legoland theme park will open in Malaysia's south in 2012 at a cost of 700 million ringgit (206 million dollars), one year earlier than scheduled, developers said Thursday.

Iskandar Investment Berhad (IIB) president and chief executive officer Arlida Ariff said the theme park covering 26 hectares (62.4 acres) in Johor state, which neighbours Singapore, is now slated to open in April 2012.

"The selection of Legoland is very deliberate. The (planned) theme park in Singapore by Universal Studios is for young adults. Our is for families. It will be complementary rather than competition," she told AFP.

The Malaysian attraction will be the first Legoland in Asia.

IIB is an investment holding company linked to the 17.7 billion ringgit Iskandar Development Region (IDR), a major infrastructure project in Johor.

The IDR, launched in November 2006, will be 2.5 times the size of Singapore when completed, including up-market residential homes, a logistics hub, a waterfront city, a medical hub and an educational city.

In 2008 IIB signed an agreement with Merlin Entertainments which operates various attractions globally including Sea Life, Madame Tussauds and Legoland.

Merlin Entertainments will design and operate the theme park of which it will be a 20 percent shareholder, with a consortium led by IIB owning the remainder.

Arlida said the theme park will offer 40 interactive rides, shows and attractions targeted at families with children aged between two and 12 years.

Legoland Development general manager John Ussher told the Star newspaper that the main concerns in developing the theme park in a tropical region were the "sun and rain."

Extensive use of shades and trees will be deployed to cool the park and make visitors more comfortable, he said.

Malaysia has long harboured ambitions of turning Johor into a major metropolis to rival gleaming Singapore, which lies across a narrow waterway.

*Copied from Yahoo!Malaysia news.

my conclusion bout this news is. " I just cant wait!!" :D

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Being a Malay Vegetarian. . . .

I was having a chat conversation with couple of my PLKN mates Samantha and CCP and JT ..
and vegetarian issue came out in the chat..

Sam was like very curious about me being a vege. I know I know this isnt the first time this kinda awkward moment happening to me. In fact, when I was started declaring myself of becominng a vege my parents especially Ummi and other siblings was feeling a bit weird. First, because I am a Malay guy, and second of all, No such thing as vegetariansm well-exposed in Islamic culture (eventhough there are many muslims vegetarian outhere , overseas not in Malaysia ) I have spoke about vegetarianism among Muslims in my past post, If you could browse for it in archives ) heheh

I still remember when I was in PLKN, that was when I just finish my SPM and it was in the month of March until Jun. When I was 17.
this is the scene of how we could actually officially become a real vege and eat vege foods in PLKN..
I had to give my name to the pihak atasan first..then you can pick up the veges... they have the name list..and they cook the vege foods according to the number of people la..karang terlebih masak..tak cukup..susah kang..kan?:D that's why we can only take certain food on certain quantity..i gave my name for vegetarian and the cikgu was like "Betul ke tidak budak Melayu ni?" was weird enough for most of people..but not me..:P dah lah~

Actually, it's not that hard of being a vege especially for a Malay guy like me~
You know~ vegetarianism isnt exaclty kind of belief like when we apply it to ourself that doesnt make us turning into a buddhist or hindus. it's just the fact that we care about animals and at the same time do care about our health.

well~ they say~ vegetarian can lives longer. I dont know if it's true. but some health experts have prooved the fact.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Aidiladha 2009

So much happened in this year's Aidiladha~ :D

Ummi cooked Rendang Lembu and Dalca

On Friday, we went back to kampung to meet at Atuk Esah's place. ( Got lots of food there!)
I also had my vegetarian curry bought by Mak Itam. heheh

And then, tomorrow morning ( Saturday morning ) Ayah suddenly plan to go to Malacca

We went to ride Menara TamingSari and canceled on Eye on Malaysia a.k.a Eye on Malacca due to the same design we had in Kuala Lumpur and high-fee of tickets. thank you.

and then we went back home the night. :D

The Pisang Goreng Ala Bali + Black Coffee I had in Nasi Lemak Antarabangsa in Dataran Pahlawan . :D So delicious I tell you~! Goreng Pisang normally fried in hot cooking oil with no tepung whatsoever only layered with sugar and then dipped with Gula Melaka and Serbuk Kelapa. Deliicouss~

The view from Menara TamingSari.
We can see the 'penjajah's boat' here . The Portugese boat I no time to discover.

My dad, little sister and Me inside the Menara TamingSari before we fly up.

Ayah and local Uncle and Makcik on the left and foreigners studying in International Islamic University of Malaysia a.ka Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysa from the big China, we meet near Menara TamingSari. :D

the Eye on Malacca the same as the one who used to be in Kuala Lumpur

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha~!

Assalamualaikum warrahmatullah hi wabaraktuh,

hehe pada pagi yang mulia ini( waktu aku taip post ni starting time pada pukul 9:06 a.m) Aku nak jadi alim sikit pagi ni. ahak3.

So, as you guys know( especially Muslims ) Today is the day of Hari Raya Qurban. a.k.a Hari Raya Aidiladha. Pada hari ni sudah diketahui umum pada paginya akan berlangsunglah ibadah qurban dan juga solat aidiladha. Ini la beberapa maklumat yang aku rasa berguna untuk pembaca blog aku ni ye tentang ibadah qurban~ :)

Qurban atau Udhiah bermaksud menyembelih haiwan yang tertentu jenisnya daripada ternakan yang dikategorikan sebagai al-an'am iaitu unta, lembu (termasuk kerbau), biri-biri dan kambing pada Hari Nahr atau Hari Raya Haji (10 Zulhijjah) dan pada hari-hari Tasyrik (11,12 dan 13 Zulhijjah) kerana bertaqarrub (mendekatkan diri) kepada Allah.


  • Imam Syafie berpendapat hukum melakukan ibadah qurban ini adalah sunat Muakkadah iaitu sunah yang amat digalakkan atau dituntut ke atas setiap individu Muslim yang merdeka, berakal, baligh lagi rasyid serta berkemampuan melakukannya sama ada sedang mengerjakan haji ataupun tidak sekurang-kurangnya sekali seumur hidup.

  • Makruh meninggalkan ibadah ini bagi orang yang mampu melakukannya.

  • Hukum qurban ini menjadikan wajib jika seseorang itu telah bernazar untuk melakukannnya atau telah membuat penentuan (at-ta'yin) untuk melaksanakannya seperti seseorang berkata "lembu ini aku jadikan qurban". Jika tidak dilakukan dalam keadaan ini maka hukumnya adalah haram.

  • Daging qurban wajib tidak dibenarkan untuk dimakan oleh yang empunya qurban dan tanggungannya.

Semuanya di copy daripada laman web al-azim :D

Selamat Meraikan dan Menyelami Maksud Sebenar Hari Raya Aidiladha/Qurban ini.

Maaf Zahir & Batin~

Raya kat mana?Kirim salam family ehh~ ;D

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

2.00 A.M

It's 2 freaking A.M in the morning while I am writing this. hah hah. I can feel the emptiness surround the air. The silent morning air.

The emptiness of my brain. The mind. The environment. Ultimate peacefulness.

I dont know what is happening around the globe while I am here, inside the house.

It's so nice to be inside my body right at this moment. :D

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Is it me? Them? or Things?

Keadaan sangat merumitkan bagi aku buat sementara waktu ni, aku tak tahu kenapa.

Ntah lah.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


In 2009, American geologist Adrian Helmsley (Chiwetel Ejiofor) travels to India to meet his friend Satnam, who has discovered that neutrinos from a massive solar flare have penetrated the Earth and are causing the temperature of its core to increase rapidly. Adrian returns to Washington D.C. to inform White House Chief of Staff Carl Anheuser (Oliver Platt) and US President Thomas Wilson (Danny Glover) that this will instigate a chain of events that will bring about the end of the world. At the 36th G8 summit in 2010, other heads of state and heads of government are made aware of the situation. They collaborate to begin a secret project intended to ensure the continuity of human life, strategically choosing 400,000 people for admission on a series of gigantic arks to be constructed in the Himalayas. To help fund the venture, additional individuals are allowed to purchase tickets for one billion euros apiece.

In 2012, Jackson Curtis (John Cusack) is a writer in Los Angeles who works part time as a limousine driver for Russian billionaire Yuri Karpov. Jackson's ex-wife Kate (Amanda Peet) and their children Noah and Lily live with her new boyfriend, plastic surgeon and amateur pilot Gordon. Jackson takes Noah and Lily on a camping trip to Yellowstone National Park, where they meet Charlie Frost, a radio show host and conspiracy theorist. Charlie supports a theory that suggests the Mayans predicted the world would come to an end in 2012, and claims he has knowledge of the ark project and possesses a map of the arks' location. The family returns home as cracks begin to develop along the San Andreas Fault in California and earthquakes occur in the San Francisco Bay area. Jackson grows suspicious and rents a private plane to rescue his family. He collects his family and Gordon when the Earth's crust displacement begins and they escape Los Angeles as it collapses into the Pacific Ocean.

As millions begin dying in apocalyptic earthquakes worldwide, the group flies to Yellowstone to retrieve Charlie's map. The group narrowly escapes as the Yellowstone Caldera erupts. Charlie, who stayed behind to make a live broadcast of the eruption, is killed by the blast. Realizing the arks are in China, the group lands in Las Vegas, where they meet Yuri, his twin sons, girlfriend Tamara, and pilot Sasha. They join the group and secure a larger plane, the Antonov An-225, to head across the Pacific. Also bound for the arks aboard Air Force One are Anheuser, Adrian, and First Daughter Laura Wilson. President Wilson remained in Washington D.C. to address the nation one last time. He is soon killed by a tsunami that sends the USS John F. Kennedy crashing into the White House. With the Vice President dead and the Speaker of the House missing, Anheuser appoints himself acting Commander-in-Chief.

Sasha discovers that the plane doesnt have enough fuel to get to china, so they have to make a crash landing in the ocean. But as they get near the ground, they discover that they are indeed in china. The earths crusts have shifted.

Yuri, who has purchased ark tickets for himself and his sons, deserts the Curtis family, Gordon, and Tamara upon arriving in China. However, the abandoned group is picked up by Nima, a Buddhist monk. Together, they begin sneaking onto an ark through its hydraulics chamber with the help of Nima's brother Tenzin, a welder for the ark project. In his last moments, Satnam calls Adrian to inform him that a tsunami is engulfing India and heading towards the arks. Learning of this, Anheuser orders the arks be sealed before the boarding process is complete, trapping thousands outside. Adrian manages to convince the other G8 leaders to let the remaining people on board. As the ark's tailgate is lowered, Gordon is killed when he falls in between the gears, followed by Tenzin's large electrical power drill. Yuri sacrifices his life to get his two sons on in time, but the obstruction prevents the gate from closing, rendering the ship unable to start its engines. The tsunami arrives and begins to flood the ark, drowning Tamara and setting the ark helplessly adrift. Jackson and Noah work together to free the drill and its cable from the closing mechanism. The gate closes and the crew regains control of the ark, preventing a fatal collision with Mount Everest.

A title appears that says "Day 27 Month 01 Year 0001"

When the floodwater from the worldwide tsunamis eventually recedes, satellite data shows that Africa rose in relation to sea level, and its Drakensberg mountains are now the highest on the planet. As the arks set sail for the Cape of Good Hope, Jackson reconciles with his family, and Adrian starts a relationship with Laura. The movie ends with a view of the Earth revealing all continents have merged, and are in the shape of the African continent.

Many people believe the Mayan calendar represents the end of the world by December 21, 2012 through a doomsday or apocalypse scenario. Other people will agree that these are the "end times" but also believe we may be witnessing the beginning of the "Golden Age" and the Age of Aquarius. By 2012, some believe we will see a return of Planet X or Nibiru and are trying to figure out how to survive 2012. There are also people who believe nothing will happen by 2012. Who is right?

The most accurate 2012 predictions come from ancient civilizations, such as the Mayan, Aztec, Hopi, Hindu and Egyptian calendars, and all agree on the Maya December 21, 2012 end date. On that day at 11:11 am, the earth will be in the exact alignment with the sun and the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. This is a rare astrological event that occurs once every 26,000 years. The earth will also undergo a Precession of the Equinoxes by this date. This event occurs only once every 26,000 years. Is this a coincidence or synchronicity? What is your opinion of what will happen by 2012?

Tell us in our 2012 Forum!

Time is cyclic. There is an old saying, "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it." The Mayans were obsessed with time and placed great importance on the December 21, 2012 end date. The Mayan calendar is based on five cycles of time with each period lasting 5,125 years. We are now at the end of one of these cycles. We are also at the end of the five cycle period. Now, we are at the apex of a 26,000 year event. What have we learned?

It is not a coincidence that you are here right now. Our website provides everyone with their own piece of mind through many different paths, ranging from scientific evidence to spiritual enlightenment to surviving 2012 through disaster preparedness. Perhaps nothing will happen by December 21, 2012. Perhaps not.

The countdown to December 21 2012 has begun. It is our recommendation for each person to research the Mayan calendar and 2012 as much as possible.

Thank you for finding us! Our website is dedicated to providing you with as much information as possible. Please bookmark this website as it is updated daily.

If you've seen Independence Day, Titanic, or any recent vintage of the well-worn disaster film genre, you will not be disappointed at all with any of 2012. Its 2.5 hour+ running time moves at a great clip, and there's enough science and pseudoscience running around to give the film a certain of-the-moment wonder and clarity. The many destruction sequences throughout the film are absolutely breathtaking to behold, and one wonders if Roland Emmerich starts every film imagining how he will destroy the White House. Like all of his other films (except for The Patriot) it has big names but no huge names and really is a blast to watch. It has just the right balance of action and melodrama, often, as with all good films of this genre, in the same scene. The audience I watched it with was laughing and cheering throughout, and I'm sure it will be the definitive event movie of the holiday season, critics be damned.

up above were all words I copied from other websites. I watched the movie yesterday night with my eldest sister and little sister; Atiqah and Aqilah. What do my simple opinion have to think about this movie is:


despite of all the monstrous dissasters that happen, the film includes some funny scenes in it to make sure the audiences are not fully threaten by the nerve-breaking scenes that they're watching. :)

signing off,

Friday, November 20, 2009


I can still do other things even without Oprah. lol.

I mean, I can still live without her.

She's not everything to me.

What I wowed for is, I am totally gonna miss her warm, informative, audience-friendly, mind-generating, wide-issues interviews and sessions in ''Oprah''.

Who's going to replace that?

It is a very shocking announcement indeed.

Google the news or check it out in Yahoo! website.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Dosa Pahala..

yela, asal?muke aku ni x macam Alex yoong ke?
aku tau driving jugak per..hu3

huhu a'ah, Ummi aku tegas sket bab2 agama.
hari tu abang aku ada awek
awek dier cun gilerr
family dier pun mcm dah suke abang aku
kira macam boleh jadi future sister-in-law la
tpi dier pakai tudung jap bukak jap tutup
Ummi aku 'hanginn' satu rumah tauu! wuhuhu
terus putus..
* aku x patut citer nih

nak tau, atok aku laagi garang 1000 kali garang. bekas askar . eheh
arwah pernah je tampar budak perempuan dan halau budak laki sebab perempuan tu pakai seksi, lelaki tu sebab warnakan rambut kale kuning.

wuhuhu atuk aku dah meninggal, rindu pulak dier dah takde meskipun dier sangatla garang.

aku patut tulis kat blog la citer nih, huhu sejarah yg sgt best XD

ko okay je
ala~ setakat free hair..kawan aku ade je dulu pakai tudung..skrg ni terbukak habiss~
tpi, mmg baguslah ade 'orang-orang' alim mcm ni dalam keluarga least, aku ade jugak pegangan untuk dipaut kan :)

tpi, aku tau suatu hari nanti ko mesti faham punye kan
per2 pun kita masih orang Melayu..rakyat Malaysia..agama Islam agama rasmi..pegangan hidup..tu jekk wahah aku jd ustaz

nanti lambat laun dah tua kene gi haji jugakkan.huhu
gi mekah. nak taknak kita masih orang melayu yang ada batas2 nye :D

Sorry this story hasnt yet be edited by me. so stay tuned~ lol

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Ketandusan Idea- Malaysia oh 1Malaysia

Salam alaykum
hai semua blogger. what's uppppppp?
okay, I have been up with this new so-called 1Malaysia website called

kelakar la ni... 100% ciplak daripada Myspace and Facebook! hahah kenapalah orang Malaysia selalu ketandusan idea eh? dah la Liyana Jasmay pun tiru lagu Avril Lavigne. adesss

the question whyyy???? dont we actually have our own identity? I mean like, what IS our own identity? Can you tell me? Like in many aspects like in every way! Malaysian were just copying products from the nations outside! you know what I mean!

like the way the animation physical, like Upin Ipin or the latest animation is Boo & Me . They're look like animation from Hollywood!

Songs from Liyana Jasmay. She is definitely ketandusan idea I mean like she could just make 100% her own songs without copying even a bit of Avril LAvigne's melody! Ugh!

Yes, I know. I couldnt just speak out like this if I myself do not contribute anything for Malaysia (yet).


I mean, Look at Thailand, Look at Japan Look at Singapore . There are all nations that produce products which highlight their image of kebudayaan dan kesenian.


if you guys dont agree with me, you could just simply voice-out your comments down there :) thank you.


Monday, November 16, 2009

Britney Spears-3 One Two Three Song & Lyrics Meanings

If I could, I'd like to throw something new out there: I believe megan3221 referred to this as "garbage" not only because she didn't agree with the message it was sending, but because the song has absolutely no substance at all. Its a stupid pop song. No one can honestly say any different. Like most pop songs, its only good for three things: dancing to it, making fun of it, and generating money for the artist.

DISCLAIMER: I saw this comment on a Britney fansite, and I thought it was a pretty good opinion.

Credit goes to the girl who wrote it (Kelly) for having an open mind.

"I posted this on the chat box earlier, but incase anyone feels a little uncomfortable with the song, try thinking of it like this: "Peter, Paul, and Mary" can be taken in two contexts - The biblical one, and the "common names" one.

We'll go with the religious relation, then. (The actual writer(s) of the song probably wrote it in for shock effect, though.)

Anyway, since "Peter, Paul, and Mary" were said to be followers of Jesus, the song might be a subtle reference that compares Britney to Jesus. (LOL, no, Britney is not a deity! XD)

I'm talking about Britney's influence over millions of people. The three people in question might be a reference to fans in general (here's where the "common names" context comes in, since anybody can be her fan), where their loyalty to someone they idolize makes them open or easily persuaded to try something because of how significant they think their idol is.

In that way, it can be said that because she's suggesting a threesome, her fans (or whoever) might agree to it, because Britney asks/tells them to.

For the lazy: Maybe it's Britney's influence over her fans being compared (quite dramatically) to Jesus' influence over these three particular people in that one line."

As "Wajiha23" pointed out, there is so much worse than this on the radio. Kids listen to it, yes, but kids always engage in things not intended for them. They get ahold of cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, pornography, etc. Its a part of life. Not everything is intended to be child friendly. Look at the shows on t.v. now-a-days, especially animated shows like Family Guy and South Park.

Britney Spears sings pop music. It is short for "Popular Music," which means it is designed to sell millions of copies. "3" is another example of a probably successful single.

Source(s):There are more ideas here:

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Dah hantar logo..

Yippi yesterday I was accompanied by Ayah to Muzium Shah Alam..

Thank God It was 9 pm somehintg we arrived at the museum and immediately sent to the abang guard

he said he will send the envelope to the contest management today (MONDAY) . I hope I would win some! hehe
Pray to Allah lah first.:)

here's below the picture of the logo I created in 2 days of physical doings and several months of thinking. LOL

OOPSIE I CANT POST IT ONLINE. huhuhu Due to some factors.

hehe for Perbadanan Adat Melayu dan Warisan Negeri Selangor (PAMWNS)

I drew it traditionally with hands and colours. :( It's so frustrating and very sad that I dont know how to use adobe illustrator or other computer media. :((

do you think I could win?

Friday, November 13, 2009

Boredom & Semester1 Break

Okay, I admit it. This break is freaking borinng! All I do is sit at home, sleep, get online, chatting with some friends, checking up my youtube,blogspot,myspace,facebook , eat my meals for a day. and then go back to sleep.

Urghh~ I really need to find something NEW!

But, what is it?

please, dont remind me about getting a part-time job. I dont think anybody would hire me for jobs if I would be employed for just couple of weeks and a half. lol Got ah?

The conclusion is, I am just freaking bored.

* Need to watch movie with my sisters. 2012! I am desperately wanting to watch that movie!! wuhuhuhuhuhu.


Monday, November 9, 2009

Wall-to Wall dengan Cikgu Rohaya

tahniah kepada facebook! kerana telah menyatukan seorang yang sudah terpisah dengan gurunya.

Alhamdulillah, sejak beberapa hari ni aku berpeluang berbalas2 tulisan dengan Cikgu Rohaya. Cikgu Seni ku semasa SPM 2008! ^_^

Aku akan pegang kata2 Cikgu Rohaya :

Rohaya Arof
syabas....usaha awak membawa kejayaan...tapi jgn pula berhenti berkarya..moga awak jadi prancang bandar yang cintakn seni...

insyallah Cikgu, saya akan belajar dan terus berkarya dan menghargai cabang seni ini sehingga akhir hayat saya! Amin :)

Thursday, November 5, 2009


I am home now after weeks of burdens up on my shoulders. It's officially SEM1 Final BREAK! yiippppii. gonna spend the break as relaxin as I could. LOL

Sunday, November 1, 2009

It's final holidays!

Salam and hi first of all.

Exam is over and I have 4 weeks of flying-to-the-clouds final sem1 holidays! yippi.

Cant wait to spend the 4 weeks to the fullest until it spills. LOL

Sunday, October 25, 2009

It's an examination week and . . .

First of all Salam to you, the readers! Ahah.

Annddd yeah back to the actual topic. I am gone through the so called " THE WEEK OF SUFFERRRR"

It's examination week here in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Jalan Semarak and everyone is with their books! Revising.

Me? Oh well, I am done with books. I am just chillexing, you know. LOL

Nolah, It's just that Pray and Wish me for my best yah! Thanks. Peace to all .:)

I love Perancangan Bandar dan Wilayah now. ~_^

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Selamat Hari Raya 2009 Maaf Zahir & Batin!

Ikhlas daripada,
Akmal Hakim

Sesiapa yang berpuasa penuh pada bulan Ramadhan, kemudian diikuti puasa enam hari pada bulan Syawal adalah seperti dia berpuasa setahun penuh. (Muslim)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Teriakan Hati Seorang Pelajar : Perancangan Bandar Dan Wilayah


hah! mesti korang tak berapa pasti pernah ke tidak dengar bende ni.kan ? kan?
atau korang mesti terfikir, ape bendelah bende rancang2 nih. panjang bebenauuu.

okaylah,itulah perasaan aku masa aku mula2 TERKLIK butang UPU untuk pemilihan kursus ni.
aku letak pilhan yang ke TUJUH pulak tu, tak pasal2 aku dapat. *sigh*. Inilah satu2 nye bidang pilihan aku yang menggabungkan seni dan sains. yang lain masa aku pilih hari tu berdasarkan sastera dan seni seratus peratus! kerana aku memang berjiwa seni! Itulah aku.*teheh*. bangga nih. ahah.


Masa aku TERKLIK kursus ni, aku cakap..hmmmm cube je lahhh mana tau best kan?. boleh reka2 bandar..rancang2.......aku ingat senang lah nak rancang bandar ni macam main game dalam The Sims City tuh.tapi, sejak EMPAT bulan aku berada di dalam kursus ni di UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA, JALAN SEMARAK, KUALA LUMPUR(UTM).AKU MULAI SEDAR.


sedarlah! bahawa kursus ni merangkumi 60% sastera dan 40% sains dan matematik secara kasar/asasnya.aku pun macam MENYESAL DAN BENGANG jugaklah macam mana aku boleh termasuk dalam bidang ni. ingat senang nak rancang bandar? kene fikir GUIDELINES atau PIAWAIAN perancangan ye cik akak.

sememangnya aku amat leceh dalam bab2 mengira atau memikir ni. aku lebih mencintai bidang bahasa, sastera, kesenian atau lebih tepat lagi bidang yang menjanjikan KEDAMAIAN.

faham x kenapa aku cakap kedamaian? fikir2lah sendiri, lain orang lain cara pemikirannya. ahah. tidak begitu?

mungkin aku sudah dilahirkan begini, begitu menjiwai kesasteraan dan kesenian. DAN AKU AMAT BERSYUKUR! =)

Tapi, bile dikenangkan kembali, 4 bulan berada di dalam kursus ni, niat untuk beralih arah dan memilih bidang yang mempunyai SERATUS PERATUS KETULENAN SASTERA nya, aku mulai rasa risau, kenapa? aku rasa tidak terlambatkah kalau aku beralih bidang? Nanti aku bincang dengan Ummiku. Tapi, adakah Ummi akan gelak sambil menyokong ku kerana berjaya MENJUMPAI DIRIKU YANG SEBENAR DAN MEMILIH BIDANG YANG SEALIRAN DENGAN PEMIKIRANKU dan mengatakan 'belajar lah anak, semoga kau berjaya dalam bidang yang kau ceburi dan merentasi haluan terusan kehidupan berliku ini dengan cemerlang? atau gelak sambil mencubit pahaku sehingga kesakitan dan memarahi aku tatkala yuran yang sudah dibayar berharga 1000 lebih kepada UTM dan mengklasifikasikan aku sebagai budak yang banyak kerenah dan mengada-ngada 'kejap itu kejap ini' nak kene sepak ni! ...(?)

Setakat ni, aku berusaha mendalami lagi apa itu Perancangan Bandar Dan Wilayah, supaya dapat aku lebih mencintai bidang ini dan bertahan untuk 3 tahun mengecapi segulung diploma !

aku gunakan satu perkataan saje.


ape tuh? cari kamus! *bak kata pensyarah aku*.

sebenarnya bidang perancangan ini diwujukan (dahulunyalah) bagi mewujudkan sistem perbandaran atau kawasan penempatan yang terancang dan tersusun, Korang belajar sejarah kan?? Contoh bandar terancang apa?? Mohenjo Daro, Harappaaa kan? lebih kurang camtu lah.tpi tamadun dulu rancang bandar untuk keharmonian struktur hidup pada waktu itu. dan untuk tujuan2 lain sperti keagamaan dan adat resam.

Zaman moden sekarang, segala perlakuan manusia akan memberi kesan terhadap alam sekitar, cntohnya perindustrian skrg ni, kalau tak kawal makin teruklahhh bumi maka lahirlah masalah seperti GLOBAL WARMING dan SEGALANYA.

Justeru itu, pada masa kini, bidang perancangan bandar dan wilayah lebih mnfokuskan bagaimana sesebuuah pembangunan kawasan itu diJAYAKAN dengan giat TANPA memberi KESAN NEGATIF TERHADAP ALAM SEKITAR.

itu lah yg cuba aku terapkan dalam minda aku skrg ni, supaya aku dpt bertahan dalam kursus ni. HAISH ntahlah, kalau ikutkan kata hati mahu je aku BLAH ambil TESL atau Undang-Undang takpun bidang sastera lain yang dijamin 100% ketulenan sastera nya.

Tapi bile difikirkan balik, ada hikmah nya bidang perancangan ini diwujudkan, semuanya untuk KEBAIKAN MANUSIA SEPANJANG ZAMAN. yelah kalau takde orang yang nak rancang supaya bumi ni selamat dan harmoni untuk didiami, alamatnya hancurlah bumi ni KAN???

kalau anda sudi bagi pendapat, silalah jangan malu-malu untuk menghadiahkan pendapat anda di sudut komen bawah nih. kerana saya yakin, satu pendapat itu umpama sebutir mutiara untuk dinilai. :)

sorrylah kalau korang terpaksa baca post panjang2 ni, dah nak raya kan?terpaksa pula korang dengar masalah aku. HAHAHA kesian banget deehhh..

okaylah maaf zahir dan batin.


Monday, September 14, 2009


Assalamualaikum w.b.t!

Yippi! Happy sangat3 sebab dah nak raya! Yang paling bestnye para pensyarah pun ambil kesempatan balik awal. Al-maklumlah, kampung masing-masing jauh-jauh belaka! Ada di Perlis, ada di Perak dan sebagainya.

Aku sebagai pelajar, tumpang gembira jugalah, sebabnya? Tak perlu hadir ke kelas kerana di batalkan! YIPPI! 2 kelas sekali dibatalkan bebbbbb! maknanya I'll be free this thursday and friday!

Happy Sesangat.Di kesempatan ini, saya nak ucpkan Selamat menyambut Hari Lebaran*meskipun sedih Ramadhan dah habis kita kene bergembira juga ye di hari raya nanti!

Ingat! Jaga Keselamatan!

Maaf Zahir dan Batin! =D

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Raya! Raya!

Salam and hi to all ! :)

I know it's not even Raya yet, plus the holy month of Ramadhan isnt coming to its ending yet. But, I do this post just to make sure that I can put all the stress and burden of assignments and projects UHHH-WAAYYYHHH!!!!!!!!A-W-A-Y!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Away up up and away till I cannot see them anymore till i can clearfly resfreshingly have my peaceful mind back.

Ohhhhhhhhhh god~ so lega.

Actually, I really dont need to express my stressness in this blog, because when I think back of what ultimate PEACEFULLNESS that I gained after performing SOLAH. It was greatefully enough for me. :)

HAPPY RAYA lah then! :) Dont forget to do extra ibadah on these 10 left nights of Ramadhan people! ;)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

1Malaysia Kita Merdeka!!

Salam and hi too all!

Merdeka!Merdeka!Merdeka!okay zaman skrg ni kebanyakan orang- especially generasi muda still ke menjerit merdeka dengan penuh pengertian, keinsafan dan kefahaman?(I believe I am not teeheee*sigh*) All we know is that Merdeka Day is a DAY OFF.Right?or at least I am!lol This year's celebration, personally I think isnt as amazing as past year's. People's spirit of nationality has decreasing. Maybe, it's because of the indepence that we gained has past long time ago and that now we need to stay focus and look ahead.What do you think? Plus, in this current situation of the hazardous viral virus of influenza A H1N1 and to give some respect towards the fasting month of Ramadan, present year's national 52nd of Merdeka celebration is decided to be in a modesty of simple 40 minutes event in the Dewan Parlimen.I think it's a brilliant decision!
Okay now,I praise Allah for the peacefulness of Malaysia and I pray Allah for it to stays here in our ground forever!:)
All together now ; The Malays, Chinese, Indians, Natives, May God Bless you'all
Live and Unite Our Malaysia Our Motherland
Malaysia Aman Sejahtera Maju Jaya!

Happy Independence Day 1Malaysia Kita Merdeka!
Salam 1Malaysia! :)

Trip to Taiping and Georgetown!

Salam !

okay yesterday 29th of August,aku telah memecahkan rekod dengan melakukan 'pelancongan' yang paling cepat didunia!hahahahha
Dua tempat dalam satu hari!wacaya sama luuuuu brooo!!!hhahah/

Aku,Ummi and Ayah went to Taiping and Georgetown both place in a day!!!!Can you imagine that?LOL It was all fun and fast at the same time!
It was actually for my assignment and report, which I have to report about those cities with my DDN Town planning friends, but I didnt make it because I was sick!

and the lecturers decided that I still need to go to the cities.And I did! With my parents!^_^
in a day!!hahahafrom 10 am till 4 am next morning.isk3! I ccannot belive that we're actually made it!:)

I feel relieved~!

Now,all that I need to do is make a very amazing report using my new Acer!^_^ Alhamdulillah!!:)

One of the dirty pipe of drain in Taiping.

My mom, Ummi Jamaliah.eheh!

Penang Bridge view from the

Taiping Visitor and Information Center

Yippi!! New ACER Computer for myself!

salam, hi, hello, and assalamualaikum!^_^

alhamdulillah akhirnya, aku telah memiliki sebuah ACER flat-screen warna putih!hehehe it is all costed around RM1, 560 something!

I feel so glad!thanks to my sister, Tiqah and my brother, Amirul. They helped me out and accompanied me in Klang Digital Mall for the right stuff for me! :)

Insyallah I will study harder and do all the assignments better! :)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Siap juga akhirnya projek 6!!!!

fuhuhhhhhh akhirnya setelah bertungkus lumus mengadap kertas A2 sampai tulang belakang aku patah,aku telah berjaya menyiapkan Map Enlargement dan Map Reduction!!fuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Alhamdulillahhh sangat lega! dan harap2 betullah apa yang aku buat! kalau tak!habislah kene redo balikKkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!

Hari ni first day puasa!^_^

Segalanya okay,Parents and siblings balik Melaka,ada berkumpul adik beradik belah ummi kat sana!Aku tak pergi,rugii sangat terlepas makanan lauk pauk orang Melaka yang memang sedap giler yang dikumpulkan banyak2 untuk di lahap kan waktu berbuka puasa nanti!!! Tapi kalau difikirkan balik bagus jugak aku tak pergi,siap juga akhirnya kerja studio!eheh

lepas ni,nak beli kelengkapan untuk studio isnin ni dengan cari maklumat tentang gambar 'portrait' untuk meeting club photo,dengan baca suratkhabar untuk Urban Development dan buat report and then what's next?oh ye terlupa~presentation untuk subjek Hubungan Etnik.WARGHHH!!!! and then next week Merdeka!!Yippi!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Esok Puasa!2009

salam 'alaykum

yippi skrg ni aku berada di rumah selepas balik dari UTM!

biaselah 1st day of ramadhan semua budak balik nak raikannya bersama keluarga

sahur sama2,buka sama2,menghayati 1st of ramadhan sama2.lagipun 1st ramadhan kali ni ramai adik beradik aku balik,semua empat empat ada kat rumah.sooo that's why lah aku balik!:)

first of all,thanks to the new subscriber of my humble blog,Indah!^_^ I hope you'll stick to what I am getting into okay!eheh

back to the topic,esok puasa,skrg ni pukul 3 pagi lebih aku baru je lepas buat format dan garisan grid yang macam hampeh berbelang2 penat gile *sakit tulang belakang*

aku taknak tidur ,nak terus sahur .itu je byebye semua adios!

aku sangat happy sebab Ramadhan dah sampai!Syukur sangat2 kerana diberi peluang oleh Ilahi untuk berada di bulan yang mulia ini sekali lagi!^_^

Friday, August 14, 2009

Harga Topeng H1N1 naik mendadak?

kat mana tuh?meh aku kasih sekeh sikit sape yang kurang asam naikkan harga tuh!




Salam and hi to you! :)

So,today,this morning.I was forced by Ummi to travel around Klang and Shah Alam.At first,I was too lazy to go and just thinking of getting pictures of Klang and Shah Alam from the internet or google.Thanks to Allah for letting my heart to be opened to listen to Ummi's idea.hehe.It was all worth it! I have got the clear picture now of Klang and Shah Alam after exploring the whole both towns in 2 hours with the help of Ayah.Yippi! Syukur~! I am really glad now.At least,the point of this project : Environmental Awarness is getting clear to me now! :)

It was all worth the travel! :D

here are some pictures of tin and ore old colonial-based architecture town of Klang and the modern well-planned industrial Bandar Anggerik;Shah Alam.

Jalan Stesen of Klang.

Istana Alam Shah/Alam Shah Palace of Klang.

The new built Mosque in the bank of Klang River.

The Blue Mosque of Shah Alam.

No words could explain them.These cities are more than their name!

Thanks ALLAH I am at HOME NOW!

Salam and hi!

Know why?

bcause Ive got TONS of REPORTS AND MENTAL MAP TO DO!!(okay I over-described it)

but anywhoo..

still,I have to pass up report of environmental awareness of Klang and Shah Alam and also an A2 sized paper of Klang Mental Map THIS MONDAY!!! Tak aci!

but Easy accessiblity of INTERNET full of informations about those towns,HOME,LOVING PARENTS,comfy environment of home sweet home,Ummi's foods,printer,laptop,enough of A4 papers saved me from this MESS!

Oh-how I love home! ;D

Friday, August 7, 2009

I Miss UTM,I miss DDN

Assalamualaikum and hi to everyone! =)

i dont know why am i feeling this way =( Maybe I am just a little bit of missing 'them' =(
It has been a week since I left UTM for my sick.=(now i miss em!
I miss my room C-4-33,the DDN friends,lecturers,studio and all
maybe this is the right time I go back to the campus life!^_^
Huzaifi called,he said people miss me,and I do miss them too!=(
But,at the same time,the tons of un-do assignments will burden me.huhuk
am i ready?Am i ready?

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Al-fatihah for Atuk Sharif.

Assalamualaikum and Hi to tall =)

Semalam,(Rabu 5 Ogos 2009)sedang aku berehat-rehat (actually tengah tidur) bagi menghabiskan MC yang diberi doktor,aku mendapat panggilan daripada kakakku Atiqah yang mengatakan bahwa kita terpaksa bergegas ke Alor Gajah,Melaka.Aku tanya Tiqah, kenapa?Tiqah cakap Atuk dah meninggal.Aku terkejut bukan kepalang.sebab Atuk memang dah masuk hospital tetapi doktor cakap keadaanya sudah semakin pulih dan stabil.Tetapi,secara tibba-tiba berita ini yang kami terima.

Lepas tu,Ummi pun pulang dari sekolah dalam keadaan menangis teresak-esak.Kesian Ummi,first time tengok Ummi nangis mcm ni.Aku tak tahu nak buat apa.Lalu membiarkan Ummi melayani perasaannya.Ialah,aku faham,seorang wanita yang kematian bapa tercinta.Kemudian kami pun bergegas ke Melaka.

Semuanya berjalan lancar dan seperti majlis pengkebumian orang-orang Islam biasa.
Pada pukul 7 lebih,Atuk Sharif selamat dikembumikan.=(

Esoknya (Khamis 6 Ogos 2009) Aku dan keluarga pulang pada sebelah petang.
Tak pernah aku lihat rumah kampung sesunyi itu.Yalah,Nenek pun dah meninggal Atuk baru jer pergi.Sunyi sungguh!.Sunyi dan lapang.

Al-fatihah untuk arwah Atuk Sharif.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Welcome Home.

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera semua =)

Setelah berada selama 4 hari di Sri Kota Specialist Medical Centre.Akhirnye,aku pulang rumah jugak.Perasaan bercampur baur sedih sebab rindu suasana di hospital serta layanan+gembira sebab dah sembuh dan tidak menderita lagi.:)

sejak sabtu-1/Ogos/2009 hingglah selasa-4/Ogos/2009 aku berada di sana.Aku disuspek menghidapi Denggi.

Kini,semuanya dah berakhir.aku rasa sangat bersyukur kepada Illahi.^_^

Friday, July 31, 2009's not H1N1

Hi and assalamualaikum to all,
this is kind of hard to start but anyway,do you see the above image?That's me.yes.ofcourse.with the famous white clothes to cover one's nose,mouth and breathing system.No,i am not having H1N1.yes I am in the spirit of 1Malaysia but H1N1(Allah please take this diesease away!)

It was all started last wednesday(29th of July),I was feeling sick a whole body.Aches all of inside my body.and then I skippied Ko-Ku session.I thought I would be alright that night.

I was wrong,that night I had a painful fever,my body was hot and i didnt feel comfortable at all after i started to vomit the whole night.

The next day(Thursday;30 July) ,I skipped Studio,I cannot make it to the class,my stomach felt funny,my head was feeling dizzy,I kept on vomitting,i had fever,and then i went to the UTM clinic,the doctor checked she said if the fever doesnt drop below in 5 days you should comeback here.She suspected dengue.and they gave some medications.I ate them.

the next day (Friday;31 July) the fever is gone,but my stomach and head still feeling WEIRD and it's hard to explain,and then Ayah fetched me after maghrib and we went to the clinic in Shah Alam,the doctor said we should to to Hospital as they cannot determine my illness.I was like...*put some patience in me Ya Allah!* but they gave some medications and asked me put on the 'white mask'.

and here i am,a sick person blogging with the white mask on.

tomorrow(saturday 1st of August) we're gonna go for another medical check up at the Hospital.
*I feel pity towards my parents.

I hope it's not H1N1.Which one to choose,dengue or H1N1?

Sunday, July 26, 2009

To Yasmin Ahmad


*okay i look weird in this pic.

This post is dedicated to Sufi.(as he asked me to put this pic up on my blog)Ahaha!.

Things about Sufi.

1)He is my best-mate in 1DDN-Diploma in Urban and Regional Planning.
2)He is the 'ketua studio' and ketua in semualah!I lantik him you know.haha
3)He is a Sarawakian.
4)He is a Muslim!
5)Gedik.which happen quite sometimes.
6)He has a bestfriend called Wan here at the campus.The pair transforms extra-GEDIK when 'placed' together.Ive seen them couple of me.Ya Rabbi!.*sigh*
7)Sufi is nice at most time.all DDN crew loves him!=)

Sya'ban Fasting.

salam everyone.
so starting last thursday which was on the 23rd of July.which was on the 1st of Sya'aban.
I have started to do ibdah sunnat whcih is fasting in Sya'ban!heheh!

I feel so happy because I can actually be in an 'angel' mode again and think wisely.uhuh in everything i do.

I dont know,it's just that I have so much sins that ive done that i need to do fasting so that Allah would forgives me.;( yes,seriously!it's not that i am showing off or something but umm yes I really NEED 'THIS'!

and Thanks Allah,Islam has the way!that is fasting.

plus,they say fasting in Sya'ban or Rejab month (according to Islamic calender) would reward you multiply,you know~Insyallah!^_^

My 18th birthday.

and last 24th of July.

I would like to say THANK YOU to everyone who wished me "happy Birthday'' hehe
especially my family and bestfriends!

I am finally 18!LOL

Thank you for still remembering my birthday!
That means you guys still have a care or once or twice have a thought about me!
Thanks I really am apprectating it!^_^

Youtube and techs.

Other than that,yes I miss vlogging on youtube very mych!!I miss all my videos and friends there!^_^but again,LOL sadly I have no lappy with built-in webcam here at the campus !!!urgh i miss home so much for that!!!huhu.*planning to buy one.heheh* hey this friday - sunday PC FAIR 2009 second time at KLCC! wish me to get a new cheap comfortable lappy and a new camera yah!heheh.

The trip.

I am currently busy with Paper works and yes I am going for a trip to Taiping and Georgetown next sunday!! YAY!!!^_^
Me and my DDN-Regional and Urban Planning first year crew are gonna go 'studying' all inside out of those heritage cities!

YIPPI! cant wait,sadly only two days 1 night.urgh!I wish it could be extended.

That;s all for the update!

Happy Fasting yall!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Metropolitan park,Kepong

Last Thursday me and my DDN Town Planning crew went to the place.

We were asked by Miss Intan to draw 1 point perspective and 2 point .It was fun!Here's the pictures i found in Sufi's USB pendrive.ahaha(I stole em!)shh!)

there was Ara , Huzaifi and Thila.:)

Today's class is cancelled.

and i feel so happy cuz i have got plenty of times in the morning hours,but sadly,i have an assignment to be passed up at this very 4 pm .Alamak! and now i am in hurry of completing it.and in the evening hours,I've gotta attend curicullum session.paiseh!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Atuk Sakit.


tiada lagi khabar yang lebih menginsafkan diri ku ini apabila mendapat berita tentang keadaan atuk.
jadi,petang tadi aku bergegas ke hospital swasta di Melaka dengan Ummi dan Ayah untuk menziarahi atuk.
Semuanya berjalan dengan lancar,keadaan Atuk seemed very well and getting better.
and Insyallah esok aku akan pulang semula ke UTM dan menyambung kembalik pembelajaran,which I have to strive for a bright future!i CAN DO IT!
other than that,sebaik aku balik rumah tadi,kalau tidak mati kebosanan aku kat bilik dorm tu sorang2.hahaha yelah semua org blah balik rumah,ada yang habiskan duit kat KLCC,

haishh tak kuase dah aku nak mengikut.

The most important thing is that,I have to focus on what my main pupose to be in UTM is.
that is,to study URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING till I get my phD.
thank youh!
