Sunday, August 30, 2009

1Malaysia Kita Merdeka!!

Salam and hi too all!

Merdeka!Merdeka!Merdeka!okay zaman skrg ni kebanyakan orang- especially generasi muda still ke menjerit merdeka dengan penuh pengertian, keinsafan dan kefahaman?(I believe I am not teeheee*sigh*) All we know is that Merdeka Day is a DAY OFF.Right?or at least I am!lol This year's celebration, personally I think isnt as amazing as past year's. People's spirit of nationality has decreasing. Maybe, it's because of the indepence that we gained has past long time ago and that now we need to stay focus and look ahead.What do you think? Plus, in this current situation of the hazardous viral virus of influenza A H1N1 and to give some respect towards the fasting month of Ramadan, present year's national 52nd of Merdeka celebration is decided to be in a modesty of simple 40 minutes event in the Dewan Parlimen.I think it's a brilliant decision!
Okay now,I praise Allah for the peacefulness of Malaysia and I pray Allah for it to stays here in our ground forever!:)
All together now ; The Malays, Chinese, Indians, Natives, May God Bless you'all
Live and Unite Our Malaysia Our Motherland
Malaysia Aman Sejahtera Maju Jaya!

Happy Independence Day 1Malaysia Kita Merdeka!
Salam 1Malaysia! :)

Trip to Taiping and Georgetown!

Salam !

okay yesterday 29th of August,aku telah memecahkan rekod dengan melakukan 'pelancongan' yang paling cepat didunia!hahahahha
Dua tempat dalam satu hari!wacaya sama luuuuu brooo!!!hhahah/

Aku,Ummi and Ayah went to Taiping and Georgetown both place in a day!!!!Can you imagine that?LOL It was all fun and fast at the same time!
It was actually for my assignment and report, which I have to report about those cities with my DDN Town planning friends, but I didnt make it because I was sick!

and the lecturers decided that I still need to go to the cities.And I did! With my parents!^_^
in a day!!hahahafrom 10 am till 4 am next morning.isk3! I ccannot belive that we're actually made it!:)

I feel relieved~!

Now,all that I need to do is make a very amazing report using my new Acer!^_^ Alhamdulillah!!:)

One of the dirty pipe of drain in Taiping.

My mom, Ummi Jamaliah.eheh!

Penang Bridge view from the

Taiping Visitor and Information Center

Yippi!! New ACER Computer for myself!

salam, hi, hello, and assalamualaikum!^_^

alhamdulillah akhirnya, aku telah memiliki sebuah ACER flat-screen warna putih!hehehe it is all costed around RM1, 560 something!

I feel so glad!thanks to my sister, Tiqah and my brother, Amirul. They helped me out and accompanied me in Klang Digital Mall for the right stuff for me! :)

Insyallah I will study harder and do all the assignments better! :)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Siap juga akhirnya projek 6!!!!

fuhuhhhhhh akhirnya setelah bertungkus lumus mengadap kertas A2 sampai tulang belakang aku patah,aku telah berjaya menyiapkan Map Enlargement dan Map Reduction!!fuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Alhamdulillahhh sangat lega! dan harap2 betullah apa yang aku buat! kalau tak!habislah kene redo balikKkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!

Hari ni first day puasa!^_^

Segalanya okay,Parents and siblings balik Melaka,ada berkumpul adik beradik belah ummi kat sana!Aku tak pergi,rugii sangat terlepas makanan lauk pauk orang Melaka yang memang sedap giler yang dikumpulkan banyak2 untuk di lahap kan waktu berbuka puasa nanti!!! Tapi kalau difikirkan balik bagus jugak aku tak pergi,siap juga akhirnya kerja studio!eheh

lepas ni,nak beli kelengkapan untuk studio isnin ni dengan cari maklumat tentang gambar 'portrait' untuk meeting club photo,dengan baca suratkhabar untuk Urban Development dan buat report and then what's next?oh ye terlupa~presentation untuk subjek Hubungan Etnik.WARGHHH!!!! and then next week Merdeka!!Yippi!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Esok Puasa!2009

salam 'alaykum

yippi skrg ni aku berada di rumah selepas balik dari UTM!

biaselah 1st day of ramadhan semua budak balik nak raikannya bersama keluarga

sahur sama2,buka sama2,menghayati 1st of ramadhan sama2.lagipun 1st ramadhan kali ni ramai adik beradik aku balik,semua empat empat ada kat rumah.sooo that's why lah aku balik!:)

first of all,thanks to the new subscriber of my humble blog,Indah!^_^ I hope you'll stick to what I am getting into okay!eheh

back to the topic,esok puasa,skrg ni pukul 3 pagi lebih aku baru je lepas buat format dan garisan grid yang macam hampeh berbelang2 penat gile *sakit tulang belakang*

aku taknak tidur ,nak terus sahur .itu je byebye semua adios!

aku sangat happy sebab Ramadhan dah sampai!Syukur sangat2 kerana diberi peluang oleh Ilahi untuk berada di bulan yang mulia ini sekali lagi!^_^

Friday, August 14, 2009

Harga Topeng H1N1 naik mendadak?

kat mana tuh?meh aku kasih sekeh sikit sape yang kurang asam naikkan harga tuh!




Salam and hi to you! :)

So,today,this morning.I was forced by Ummi to travel around Klang and Shah Alam.At first,I was too lazy to go and just thinking of getting pictures of Klang and Shah Alam from the internet or google.Thanks to Allah for letting my heart to be opened to listen to Ummi's idea.hehe.It was all worth it! I have got the clear picture now of Klang and Shah Alam after exploring the whole both towns in 2 hours with the help of Ayah.Yippi! Syukur~! I am really glad now.At least,the point of this project : Environmental Awarness is getting clear to me now! :)

It was all worth the travel! :D

here are some pictures of tin and ore old colonial-based architecture town of Klang and the modern well-planned industrial Bandar Anggerik;Shah Alam.

Jalan Stesen of Klang.

Istana Alam Shah/Alam Shah Palace of Klang.

The new built Mosque in the bank of Klang River.

The Blue Mosque of Shah Alam.

No words could explain them.These cities are more than their name!

Thanks ALLAH I am at HOME NOW!

Salam and hi!

Know why?

bcause Ive got TONS of REPORTS AND MENTAL MAP TO DO!!(okay I over-described it)

but anywhoo..

still,I have to pass up report of environmental awareness of Klang and Shah Alam and also an A2 sized paper of Klang Mental Map THIS MONDAY!!! Tak aci!

but Easy accessiblity of INTERNET full of informations about those towns,HOME,LOVING PARENTS,comfy environment of home sweet home,Ummi's foods,printer,laptop,enough of A4 papers saved me from this MESS!

Oh-how I love home! ;D

Friday, August 7, 2009

I Miss UTM,I miss DDN

Assalamualaikum and hi to everyone! =)

i dont know why am i feeling this way =( Maybe I am just a little bit of missing 'them' =(
It has been a week since I left UTM for my sick.=(now i miss em!
I miss my room C-4-33,the DDN friends,lecturers,studio and all
maybe this is the right time I go back to the campus life!^_^
Huzaifi called,he said people miss me,and I do miss them too!=(
But,at the same time,the tons of un-do assignments will burden me.huhuk
am i ready?Am i ready?

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Al-fatihah for Atuk Sharif.

Assalamualaikum and Hi to tall =)

Semalam,(Rabu 5 Ogos 2009)sedang aku berehat-rehat (actually tengah tidur) bagi menghabiskan MC yang diberi doktor,aku mendapat panggilan daripada kakakku Atiqah yang mengatakan bahwa kita terpaksa bergegas ke Alor Gajah,Melaka.Aku tanya Tiqah, kenapa?Tiqah cakap Atuk dah meninggal.Aku terkejut bukan kepalang.sebab Atuk memang dah masuk hospital tetapi doktor cakap keadaanya sudah semakin pulih dan stabil.Tetapi,secara tibba-tiba berita ini yang kami terima.

Lepas tu,Ummi pun pulang dari sekolah dalam keadaan menangis teresak-esak.Kesian Ummi,first time tengok Ummi nangis mcm ni.Aku tak tahu nak buat apa.Lalu membiarkan Ummi melayani perasaannya.Ialah,aku faham,seorang wanita yang kematian bapa tercinta.Kemudian kami pun bergegas ke Melaka.

Semuanya berjalan lancar dan seperti majlis pengkebumian orang-orang Islam biasa.
Pada pukul 7 lebih,Atuk Sharif selamat dikembumikan.=(

Esoknya (Khamis 6 Ogos 2009) Aku dan keluarga pulang pada sebelah petang.
Tak pernah aku lihat rumah kampung sesunyi itu.Yalah,Nenek pun dah meninggal Atuk baru jer pergi.Sunyi sungguh!.Sunyi dan lapang.

Al-fatihah untuk arwah Atuk Sharif.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Welcome Home.

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera semua =)

Setelah berada selama 4 hari di Sri Kota Specialist Medical Centre.Akhirnye,aku pulang rumah jugak.Perasaan bercampur baur sedih sebab rindu suasana di hospital serta layanan+gembira sebab dah sembuh dan tidak menderita lagi.:)

sejak sabtu-1/Ogos/2009 hingglah selasa-4/Ogos/2009 aku berada di sana.Aku disuspek menghidapi Denggi.

Kini,semuanya dah berakhir.aku rasa sangat bersyukur kepada Illahi.^_^